Dr. Alfy In The News
Basketball Injuries
March Madness is one of my favorite times of the year. In my family, we all fill out brackets, both for the men’s and women’s tournaments. But as I watch sports, the sports medicine physician in me can’t help but watch for injuries. Injuries are not only bad for the players, but they also leave their teams in a lurch. Let’s explore what we know about injuries in the sport.
Is Mental Health Valued Less than Physical Health in Athletes?
Sports takes its toll; we know sports punishes athletes’ bodies, but more and more we’re realizing that sports take a toll on athletes’ minds as well. Sometimes these tolls go hand in hand; sometimes they do not.
Football Injuries
With the high school football season ending, College Bowl season about to start, and the Super Bowl not far away, football is on the minds of many Americans. Parents, in particular, might be curious if their son or daughter should play football or flag football. But, what do we know about injuries in the sport?
Soccer Injuries
With about 300 million soccer players globally, the occurrence of soccer injuries is not rare. It does vary depending on age, level of play, player position, timing of injury and gender. Dr. Alfy (Oluseun Olufade, MD) takes a closer look at the types of injuries, their causes and treatments.